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  Audits & Inspection

  • ISO 45001 : 2018
  • ISO 14001 : 2015
  • ISO 14489 : 1998
  • ISO 9001 :  2015
  • Road Safety Audit (IRC SP-88, IRC SP-66 & 55
  • Oil Industry Safety Directives Audit
  • Trade Fire Audit
  • Ware House Audit
  • School Safety Audit
  • Life Building Audit (NBC)
  • Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis
  • Environment Risk Analysis
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Disaster Management Plan
  • Waste Management Plan
  • Fire Assessment
  • Job Safety Analysis
  • Scaffolding Configurations & Inspection
  • Tag Inspections and Updating.
  • Fire  Fighting Equipment installation and inspection.
  • Vehicle Inspections
  • Equipment Competency certification
  • Fire Assessment
  • Job Safety Analysis
  • Competency Validation
  • Health check-up
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